kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

The twinspins are outa wack, yo

I'm thinking about posting here more regularly. As in, more than once a year. Maybe even once a week. Holy hell, the world might implode. Because me posting an online journal really does have that much of an effect on the world. Really.
HOw does one know if one is pregnant? I ask this because my period is 8 days late. What I doing posting baout this here? Who knows. But it's starting to bother me a little. Other than the late period, I have none of the warning signs. And I haven't done anything to precipitate being knocked up since mid january. And I was definitely not so in february. SO what gives now? I'm not undernourished, I'm not stressed out. Unduly frustrated by work stuff the past few weeks, but not really stressed. Who knows. I'll give it another two weeks. Then I can freak out.
In other news, this internship thing rules. I'm so glad I did it. I'm actually sitting in tech rehearsal now, tonight is the 3rd preview. The actors are gettingn otes, and I have nothing better to do at the moment. Not true, I'm sure I could be occupying my time better, but nothing is really urgent, or can be done right now. So I've been here every day since tuesday from 8 or 9 am till 11 or 11 30 pm. Then I go home, go to sleep, wake up, come back. Friday night I got the night off, which was great. I came home, made myself a drink (chambord and sparkling water. FOr growing up proletariat, I have expensive taste), talked to Emma from Splash oh so long ago, read a lot, and went to bed. It was beautiful. Last night I decided that I had to do laundry, and so damnit I did. Which would have been fine, I would only have to stay up until I threw everything in the dryer, except I made the snap decision tostrip my bed completely and wash my sheets. So i slept on the couch. There's something kind of nice about sleeping on a couch occasioanlly. I piled up blankets and curled up and slept the best I have in a few weeks. Except now my back has maybe a few choice comments. But that might be from sitting in a theatre seat with a too-high table in front of me staring at a laptop for 6 days. Either way.
I'm sure I'll think of more stuff to mention here, but it can wait for tomorrow.
1:23 p.m.
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